Sunday, January 20, 2008

Time to Vote

What was your favourite romance of 2007?

CataRomance is asking for nominations and votes for your favourite reads of the past year. You can nominate a book as your overall favourite of 2007 - and you can also nominate your favourite reads from all the lines over the past 12 Month.

So if you have a favourite Harlequin Presents, Romance, Medical, Historical . . . and what about the Silhouette lines as well? . . why not head over to the Voting Booth on and nominate your winner - or vote if someone else has already nominated it?

Make sure you scroll down - because right now, the only nominations have been for the book of the year and there are plenty of other lines to add in your favourites. It's not a real poll unless lots of readers join in! So why not make sure that your favourite is nominated.

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