Friday, November 17, 2006

More books

Well, I told you that more titles were coming in for the Christmas Stocking stuffed with books Contest - so here are two more.

I'm thrilled to be able to say that I've managed to grab a copy of the very first books by two of the newest of the new recently-signed Mills & Boon Modern - and later in 2007 the newest Presents authors - Abby Green whose book is titled Chosen as the Frenchman's Bride, and Christina Hollis who has written The Italian Billionaire's Virgin.

These books will first be on sale in January 2007 but you can see them here - and have a chance to win them if you enter the Christmas Stocking contest on the contest page of my web site.

More news as I get it


Anne McAllister said...

You are going to get a copy of The Santorini Bride to include -- provided I manage to get copies so I can send you one. If not, we'll give it for Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

thanks Kate for including my book, Have to say Christina's looks gorgeous. Love the heroine on her cover and the background.
x Abby Green

Anonymous said...

A new author? That may persuade me to buy a few more 'presents' -- I'm generally a 'Tender' person -- because there's nothing quite as good as a new author spice up the line. Not that that's demeaning the established authors, but I'm sure you understand what I mean, Kate :-)

Kate Walker said...

Hi Anne - thank you for the offer. I'm deluged with books for the stocking. I'd realy love to work with you on a Valetine's Day special

Abby - I'm thrilled to have my own copy of your first 'baby'. I think both you and Christina got lucky with your covers. She tells me that her husband looked like the hero when she met him!

Sharon - two new authors - and some more new authors to come. But I hope you won't neglect us 'oldies' ;-) I always think that if you never try other lines/books/authors you never know what you might be missing

Unknown said...

Abby's CHOSEN AS THE FRENCHMAN'S BRIDE is brilliant! Kate and Abby I stayed up all night reading it! It's a marvelous debut book and Abby, congrats and hugs from the US. ^You and Annie have such wonderful careers ahead!!


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